Don’t jump to conclusions

As a leader, I am often confronted with information. People come to me with all forms of information, expecting me to make a wise decision for them or the organization based on the information presented to me. Sometimes the decisions needed have the potential to change the future, like helping someone discern who to marry. At other times the decision needed from me is some form of arbitration – person A feels the air-condition is set too low, while person B thinks that it is just right. But the one form of information that I find harder to take action on is feedback.

I believe in feedback. Without it, we wouldn’t know how we are doing. Without it, we wouldn’t grow or do better. I value feedback. But often I find myself unsure with regards to what action I should take given the feedback I get from people – especially when the feedback is conflicting.

David, in scripture (in 2 Sam 1) is confronted with a piece of news – King Saul and Jonathan his son, is dead. David doesn’t jump to conclusions. He doesn’t call out the mourners, cries in despair, yet. He clarifies. He verifies. He wants to find out from the person bringing him that information where the information came from? How did this person get the information? What proof does this person have of that information? Only once he has done his due diligence to verify the information, does he act on it.

I think leaders can learn much from the manner in which David handles information. Rather than running about willy-nilly at every piece of feedback we get, why not spend some time to clarify, verify, and gather proof, before we dive into action? It seems like that is the wise thing to do.


WordPress App for iPad

I’ve just installed the free wordpress app from the app store and am trying it out. It’s got a very clean and simple interface. Good for regular posts. You can also check comments and add and read your pages.

Still there is room

I was reading the parable of the great banquet today, and was really struck with this phrase: still there is room.
Jesus tells this story of those who had been invited to a feast. They had agreed initially to attend, but then once the food was ready, they find for themselves all sorts of ridiculous excuses to not attend anymore. The master of the house is angered at their insult, and then turns His anger into grace, and has the servant head out to the highways and by ways to compel people to the invitation.
Because still there is room.
We are living at a time in history whee still there is room in the kingdom, but this space will not always be.. There will come a time when the doors will be closed.

But here is the crux for me… While there is time, will I be the servant to go and invite? To go and compel?

For now, still there is room.