good friday service

i am really proud of everyone who worked so hard to get ready for our good friday service. from the music, to the songwriting, to the vocals, to the opening, to the dance, to the skit, to the script-writing to the technical team, to programming teamand even the smoke (machine) – it was great to see a growing and maturing team – great to see people rise up and take responsibility and ownership over the service. we keep saying that excellence honous God. i think tonight God was honoured and so were the people who came. thank you for looking at the details – and working to get it right. it was the right tone – to commemorate Jesus’ death.
the skit
the dance

father, thank you for making a way possible.
thank you for demonstrating that my life is worth it.
thank you for loving me, saving me, and setting me free.
my heart is forever full at your kindness and goodness towards me.